First meeting Tunisian Advisory Group 

On December 7th, the first meeting of the Tunisian Advisory Group was held online. Within project MOBILISE, the National Advisory Groups are part of the project governance and are composed of representatives from government, education, private sector and other stakeholders of relevance for the domains of the project. The Advisory Groups focus on country-specific project matters and their purpose is to advice, support and advocate on matters related to talent development and circular migration in horticulture. More specifically, they provide advice on labour market demands and private sector involvement, informed insights on country-specific policies, rules and regulations, and finally advice related to education and training modalities. An Advisory Group will be set-up in each country part of the project. 

This first meeting of the Tunisian Group was the occasion for members to meet and get to know each other and to learn about the status of implementation in Tunisia. The attendants praised the many progresses made and show great interest for the preliminary ideas of the training design, asking for clarifications and providing some recommendations for the next steps. 

The National Advisory Group should meet at least three times a year and the next meeting is expected to take place in Tunis at beginning of February. 

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