Get to know the MOBILISE project

About the project

The ‘MOBILISE: Circular Talent Development for Climate-Smart Agriculture’ project is a 4-year project (June 2023- May 2027) co-funded by the European Commission through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) that is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The Project is implemented by Maastricht School of Management – Maastricht University (MSM-UM) in partnership with Aeres Green Education Group and is carried out in Ethiopia, Egypt, Tunisia and the Netherlands, in collaboration with local partners : the Institut supèrieur agronomique de Chott Mariem (ISA CM), the Agence de la Vulgarisation et de la Formation Agricoles (AVFA) and the Mediterranean School of Business (MSB-SMU) from Tunisia, Kafrelsheikh University (KFS) from Egypt and the Hawassa University (HU) from Ethiopia. 

The main objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of interventions aligned to the new EU Talent Partnerships by piloting a scalable, institutionally embedded circular talent development programme between the Netherlands and Tunisia, Egypt, and Ethiopia in favour of strengthening climate-smart agriculture, both in Europe and in the participating countries. As such, it is meant to further explore and possibly develop new legal pathways of circular migration, with the potential to scale-up to other countries and possibly other economic sectors. 

In particular, the specific objectives are: 

  1. To develop longer-term circular migration (regulatory) systems. 

  2. To successfully pilot a circular migration scheme in favor of strengthening European climate-smart agriculture. 

  3. To demonstrate the benefits of the circular migration program to participants on return. 

Meet the people behind MOBILISE

Our international team, spanning Egypt, Ethiopia, Tunisia and the Netherlands works collaboratively to bring MOBILISE to life. Connect with the experts driving this innovative project.

The core of the project lays in the Talent Development Program, which is designed along three main phases: pre-departure program in country of origin; mobility program in the Netherlands; return program in country of origin.

Pre-Departure Phase

Prior to departure, the project will offer innovative in-country training for students and young workers who wish to participate in the skills enhancement programme. The training will be created through collaboration between Dutch educational institutions and those in the partner countries to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. This collaboration will promote the development of needs-based curricula and strengthen the capacity of local educational institutions to offer more market-oriented skills and competences to young workers seeking (self-)employment in the horticulture sector. 

Mobility Phase

During the mobility phase, MOBILISE will train 120 participants with a three-month internship/training programme in the Netherlands. The training programme will include practical training elements on high-tech plant production systems, product quality, research applied to current and future horticultural practices, as well as sessions dedicated to personal professional development. Participants in the training courses will receive a certificate awarded in cooperation with leading institutions in the field of agricultural innovation in the Netherlands and the partner countries. 

Return Phase

The project makes use of a unique in-country incubation return concept. This programme will be established during the project implementation phase and 30 local staff members, 10 from each partner country, will be trained to implement it. During this phase, a career development assistance package will also be designed and delivered, including network and relationship building and employment search assistance. 

Project participants will be able to use climate-smart agricultural practices, ensuring the economic, environmental and social sustainability of agricultural production, thanks to the acquired training and return assistance. The initiative will enable programme participants to meaningfully contribute to the necessary changes the agricultural industry is going through, particularly with regard to climate change related challenges. 

Cross-cutting activities

The project will conduct needs assessments and research studies for the Netherlands, Tunisia, Egypt and Ethiopia. These will shed light on the needs for and available supply of skilled human resources in the horticulture markets, the role and functioning of the education system and the horticulture value chain, the main private sector actors and the potential for new market entrants. 

Furthermore, in order to bring together key stakeholders, multi-stakeholder platforms will be established in each partner country. These platforms will involve government institutions responsible for talent development, employment and international mobility, the private sector to ensure maximum alignment with labour market needs and, finally, training institutions that will be responsible for implementing the talent development programme. 

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union, contracted by ICMPD through the Migration Partnership Facility. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the implementing partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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