As first key step of the project MSM and Aeres, with the collaboration of the local country coordinators, have designed and implemented four needs assessment and scoping studies, conducted in the Netherlands, Tunisia, Egypt, and Ethiopia.
These studies map out available resources and lessons learned from other projects in the countries, as well as relevant actors, their roles and responsibilities, the labour needs in the horticulture sector and the possible mechanisms and targets for the talent development activities.
The overall goal of these scoping studies is to guide the MOBILISE project as it decides on the design of the new circular talent development program in the horticulture field to be developed by the Dutch and local higher education institutes. Specifically, the studies will enable the MOBILISE project to prepare an agenda of priority cooperation areas within the theme; identify on-going work and lessons learned within the scope of the theme by other donors and related institutions; identify potential partners and relevant stakeholders; and provide recommendations that enable MOBILISE to build a coherent programme within the policy framework of circular migration.
During the country missions at the end of September and beginning of October, the draft results were presented to the local stakeholders and were positively validated, providing useful input for the thematic discussions on the focus and modalities of the program to be.
After integrating the additional feedback and inputs, the reports will be finalized and disseminated in November.
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