MOBILISE Project highlighted at the 11th MACIMIDE Annual Work Conference  

On September 23rd, 2024, Ms. Rahwa Yemane Yeebiyo, Project Assistant for the MOBILISE project, represented the initiative at the 11th Annual Maastricht Center for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) Work Conference, hosted at UNU-MERIT. This prestigious event, co-organized with Studio Europa Maastricht, brought together experts from across Maastricht University to discuss cutting-edge research in migration, mobility, citizenship, and development. (see here

MACIMIDE, the interdisciplinary research platform of Maastricht University, is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of transnational migration and mobility. By integrating various research lines across multiple university faculties, MACIMIDE aims to address the complex dynamics and global consequences of migration, mobility, and citizenship. 

During the session on ‘Law and Governance across European Borders,’ Ms. Rahwa Yemane Yeebiyo presented an overview of the MOBILISE project, focusing on the policy research being conducted within its framework. Ms. Rahwa is collaborating with Dr. Huub Mudde (Project Director), Dr. Diederik de Boer (Research Director), and Mr. Stefano Locatelli (Project Manager) on this research. Together, they are exploring the challenges and opportunities of international labour mobility in the agricultural sector between Africa and Europe, with a particular focus on circular migration. 

The MOBILISE study, which will be conducted from May 2024 to May 2027, aims to produce an evidence-based framework for analyzing labour mobility, providing key recommendations on legal migration pathways. This research will be pivotal in understanding and enhancing international labour mobility, contributing valuable insights to both European and global policy discussions. 

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