Smooth passport and visa process for MOBILISE trainees

The MOBILISE program has successfully navigated the passport and visa process for its international trainees, ensuring they were ready to start their journey to the Netherlands. Initially, most trainees didn't have valid passports, essential for visa applications. The project team, alongside local partners, stepped in to help, even expediting processes when necessary.

From February to April, 2024, the team worked hard to get all 44 participants their passports. Only two trainees already had valid passports and in some countries it was needed to go through express procedures to stay within the strict program timeline.

Once everyone had their passports, the focus shifted to securing Schengen visas for the 90-day stay in the Netherlands. The project team coordinated closely with embassies to speed up appointments, ensuring all applications were processed in early May. They provided clear guidance on the required documents and helped trainees prepare their applications.

Thanks to these efforts, all visas were granted on time, with no rejections. The trainees are now waiting with excitement the final matching with their Dutch host companies and starting to prepare for their mobility to the Netherlands.

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