Recruitment of participants completed in all three countries

In the first two months of the year, the recruitment of the first cohort of participants to the MOBILISE Talent Development Program was completed in all three partner countries, starting in Egypt, then Ethiopia and finally Tunisia. 

After the call for application was launched in December and early January in the respective countries, a pre-selection was carried out based on basic pre-conditional criteria, including the English proficiency to be tested by an online TOEFL test developed ad hoc by Aeres University. 

Eligible students were admitted to the first selection round, where candidates were scored on academic performance, evaluated through average grades, and on motivation to join the program, evaluated through a two-minute video pitch by the student. 

The best performing students were admitted to the second and final selection round, where they were evaluated on a set of 7 criteria, to be measured through a motivation letter and an online interview. Candidates had to show self-knowledge, describe their practical experience, show their interest and understanding of the Dutch horticulture, explain their career plan and give clear arguments why participation in the training program would contribute to their personal and professional development. 

It is important to remark that the online interviews saw the engagement of representatives of local horticulture companies, including CEOs, or Directors of Operations, or HR managers. These representatives of the private sector were part of the evaluation committee, alongside an expert from the Dutch and from the local academic partners, and could bring to the table their experience in the local business and their point of view as potential employers. The collaboration was very positive and the participating companies confirmed their interest in the MOBILISE talent program and in continuing the collaboration for an eventual recruitment of the students upon their return from the Netherlands.  

In total, 44 students (21 M / 23 F) were admitted to the international training program for this first cohort, including 8 students (4 M / 4 F) from Egypt, 20 students (12 M / 8 F) from Ethiopia and 16 students (5 M / 11 F) from Tunisia.  

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