Mobility program in the horticulture sector

MOBILISE is a four-year project (2023-2027) co-funded by the European Union via the Migration Partnership Facility of ICMPD, which aims at launching a circular talent development program between the Netherlands and Tunisia, Egypt and Ethiopia for the strengthening of climate-smart agriculture. The project seeks to follow a multi-stakeholder approach in the horticulture sector.

This MPF project is implemented by Maastricht School of Management - Maastricht University (the Netherlands) in collaboration with Aeres Green Education Group (the Netherlands). 


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The latest MOBILISE news

We are committed to providing regular updates on our progress, so be sure to check out our news page for the latest news and information.

Upcoming activities

  • Start of pre-departure training program in Egypt (January) and Tunisia (February) for the second intake.

  • Recruitment of Dutch companies (January-February) for hosting trainees of second intake, expected from July to September 2025.

  • Delivery of the Return training program at Kafrelsheik University (Egypt) from January 26th to February 5th

  • Finalization of the Entrepreneurship Return program at Hawassa University (Ethiopia), ongoing since November 2024 till February 2025.

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union, contracted by ICMPD through the Migration Partnership Facility. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the implementing partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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